Eupoecilia ambiguella

Eupoecilia ambiguella

Short pest overview:

This moth is considered a pest for grapes. It's a species from the family Tortricidae with wingspan about 12-15 mm. This pest attacks fruiting organs and this can affect wine quality by gray or black rot developing. It is due to bites and punctures present on the berry which facilitate the development of microorganisms on the bunch.

Geographic Distribution:

This pest is found in Europe, South America (Brazil), Australia and some countries from Asia (Armenia, China, India, Azerbaijan).

Life Cycle:

It's carries out 2 reproductive cycles per year, in early spring and summer (mid to late April, Jun-July). The eggs are in diameter 0,6-0,9 mm and will incubate between 8-15 days before hatching. A female can laying about 50 eggs during her life which will last about ten days.